Actors/ Actresses Born In July

People born in July can be either Cancer (June 21 – July 22) or Leo (July 23 – August 22) and have a lot of special qualities. July born actors are extremely outward, extroverted personalities, who are very adventurous, charismatic and compassionate. This makes them highly social and are always surrounded by friends. They have extremely creative minds which makes them fast thinkers and tend to execute their well thought out plans with ease. July born personalities have a tendency to be extremely positive in every situation. They are liked by all and focus on the bright side of life. They are humorous, with their friends and acquaintance, and are always making others laugh at their jokes. They are very witty and humorous with charming and interesting personalities and good taste in food and music. They find joy and beauty in the small things of life. Sensitive and composed, they are always generous. Here is a list of actors’ and actresses’ birthdays in July.

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July Birthdays

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