Eight-year-olds published in British science journal

Eight-year-olds published in British science journal

What’s most lacking in modern day science journals? If you said “adorableness,” you’re right–the vast majority of the time, at least. And then something like this springs up in Biology Letters, a well-regarded science journal published by the UK’s Royal Society.

[RELATED_ARTICLE]”Blackawton Bees” is a study on the way bees see colors and patterns. The group behind the journal called it a “genuine advance” in the study of insect vision. The advance, it turns out, was penned by an elementary school class of eight to 10-year-olds.

The study includes hand written notes and hand-drawn charts. The introduction reads, “Scientists do experiments on monkeys, because they are similar to man, but bees could actually be close to man too.”

They didn’t do it alone, of course–the study was helped along by a University of London neuroscientist.

Science just got a whole lot more adorable.

Editor’s Note: Read the group’s original paper, here.

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Brian Heater