Facebook turning to Instagram Stories to make Stories on its main app work

Facebook turning to Instagram Stories to make Stories on its main app work

Facebook will soon allow Instagram Stories users post simultaneously on both Facebook as well as Instagram. Facebook Stories was launched in March but has failed to live up to the hype.

Facebook seems to be exploring an option to use the success of Instagram Stories to push adoption of Stories on its main app. Mashable reports that some Instagram users are getting an option to simultaneously share their stories on both Facebook as well as Instagram. Facebook will continue to showcase the stories shared from Instagram in its own Stories section but will clearly label them with "Instagram' under the user's name.

This new feature seems as if Facebook is desperately trying to make its Stories feature work. Stories – a feature that allows users to post images or short videos that disappear after 24 hours has been a huge hit among Snapchat users. Facebook immediately copied the feature to compete with Snapchat and debuted Instagram Stories. Since its launch, Instagram Stories has grown to over 250 million users and it is growing faster than its competition.

Facebook brought Stories to its main app in March and the feature is yet to take off among its 2 billion active users. In order to boost adoption, Facebook started showing greyed out profile pictures in its Stories section. Facebook is also said to be experimenting Stories for its desktop version.

Facebook Stories has a genuine engagement problem despite the fact that Stories has been a hit on Instagram, WhatsApp and even Messenger. Instagram Stories is a success because of its features and Facebook integrating the two platforms makes sense for the company but will that be enough to let people post frequently, remains a question.

Karthekayan Iyer