Tim Cook hints at more Apple apps coming to Android

Tim Cook hints at more Apple apps coming to Android

During a town hall meeting at Apple's headquarters, Cook said that the company was using the Apple Music app as a test for expanding its services to other platforms

Apple CEO, Tim Cook has hinted at the possibility of more Apple apps being made available on Google’s Android OS. During the company’s town hall meeting at its headquarters, Cook said that Apple was using the Apple Music app on Android as a test for expanding its services to other platforms. This may lead to additional Apple’s exclusive suite of apps being ported to Android. 

Google and Microsoft have already made their services available on as many devices as possible, regardless of the operating system being used. Apple however, has chosen to keep most of its apps exclusive to iOS. However, the company did launch its Music app for Android a few months ago and yesterday, it was reported that the app was updated to v0.9.5. The new update allows Android users to download music to their microSD cards for offline listening.

During the town hall meeting, Cook also answered questions about Apple’s dependence on the iPhone and how important India and other emerging markets were to Apple. He said that the iPhone is the “greatest business of the future” and that the company has room to grow the smartphone for decades. He added that 4G LTE networks were not there in many of the emerging markets. This, he believes, would give the Apple the chance to push its new devices in places like India. Cook said that India was one of Apple’s most important growth areas for the next decade. He also noted that Apple is in early preparations to introduce its retail stores in the country. China, however, is still considered by Cook to be very important to Apple’s future and he said that Apple plans to open its 40th store in the country by then end of the summer. Additionally, he noted that the Apple did not believe that it needs to release a cheaper, less feature-packed iPhone to appease growing markets. He claimed that Apple’s research indicated that people in emerging markets were ready to spend more for a better experience.

Source: 9to5Mac

Shrey Pacheco

Shrey Pacheco

Writer, gamer, and hater of public transport. View Full Profile
