Renovate the convention – Swiftpoint mice released today

Renovate the convention – Swiftpoint mice released today

Conventional computer mice trade precision for simplicity and price. On the other hand, digital pens are more precise but they require touch sensitive pads to carry with them and even a wired ones cost way more than a mouse. Notebook touchpads were doing their job well but the comfort of holding a pointing device like a pen was still missing.

So, until now, there was no mediocre solution for a pointing device which can stand on its own if pointing accuracy is concerned, which offers a comfortable hold, neither too hefty to carry around, nor too heavy on budget, besides being simple and intuitive. But today is the day, a Kiwi company- Swiftpoint is about to début an innovative tiny new device which offers all the benefits stated above. What’s more? Its ultraportable, ultra power-efficient and comes within a reasonable price of a wireless mouse (or a very low end pen-tablet – put it the way you like it).

The developers claim, it can stay up for a month with just 90mins of charging, and for an entire presentation session, a quick 30sec charging is enough. It charges through an USB dock. The mouse is also said to be 30-40% more accurate than even a laptop touchpad. Basically being a mouse, it doesn’t require a special training to use it moreover, you can grab it like a pen and can click, right-click or scroll at ease. It’s small enough to fit in your laptop’s palm rest, if that is where you intend to use this mouse. The USB dock is provided only for charging the mouse, the mouse itself is completely wireless while operating.

Swiftpoint mouse is already up for sale at and Swiftpoint homesite for just 72 USD (3300 INR approximately). So what do you think? I have fallen for it already.

Soumya Deb