iOS 6.1 adoption rate fastest yet, surpasses iOS 6

iOS 6.1 adoption rate fastest yet, surpasses iOS 6

iOS 6.1 was announced on Monday and has since then been seeing a massive surge in the number of people taking to updating their iOS devices.

According to the case study by Onswipe, iOS 6.1 is being adopted by users at an incredibly fast rate. Released on Monday, 21.8 percent users had already upgraded to the new firmware within 36 hours of launch.

While  this data doesn’t reflect the entire iOS community, instead, only the users tracked by Onswipe,  the trend in adoption can be said to be widespread, even beyond the users being tracked by Onswipe. Given that Onswipe is only tracking 13 million of the 300 million iOS users out there, we can take the numbers with a slight pinch of salt.

When Apple released iOS 6, it took a week for 44.58 percent of the iOS5 users to jump ship and it would look like the adoption of iOS 6.1 is happening at a much faster rate. 21.8 percent in the first 36 hours is impressive, and while Onswipe CEO Jason Baptiste might like to attribute it to the “over-the-air-update feature that was introduced in iOS 5, but is only starting to become more familiar to people with iOS 6,” we believe that the truth is something quite different.

iOS 5 was quick to be adopted once the untethered jailbreak for the firmware was out. Many held back from updating to iOS 6 simply because an untethered solution did not exist for the new firmware. However, within minutes of iOS 6.1 being made available, a group of developers known to be at the helm of the jailbreak scene announced that an untethered solution was ready for the new firmware. While the jailbreak will support iOS 6, 6.0.1 and 6.1, the developers advised that updating to the newest firmware would make the transition the smoothest.

The jailbreak is set to be released on Super Bowl Sunday, only three days from today, and we suspect that the adoption of iOS 6.1 will pick up rapid pace once the jailbreak is actually out.

Swapnil Mathur

Swapnil Mathur

Swapnil was Digit's resident camera nerd, (un)official product photographer and the Reviews Editor. Swapnil has moved-on to newer challenges. For any communication related to his stories, please mail us using the email id given here. View Full Profile