Microsoft announced Phi-3 Vision, an AI model for phones that can analyse pictures

Microsoft announced Phi-3 Vision, an AI model for phones that can analyse pictures

The Phi-3 Vision can read and analyse not only texts but also images.

With the Phi-3 Vision, you can inquire about images or charts, and it will provide insightful responses.

It is only available in preview mode and can be accessed through Azure’s model library.

Last month, Microsoft introduced a lightweight AI model called Phi-3 Mini to help small businesses grow. In a recent development, the tech giant has introduced another AI model, the Phi-3 Vision. What’s special about it? Well, this AI multimodal model can read and analyse not only texts but also images. Interestingly, Microsoft has developed this AI model for smartphones. Read along to know more about it.

How can you get help from Microsoft Phi-3 Vision?

In a world full of AI, we still lack AI tools that can read and analyse images. Google’s Circle to Search is one such AI tool that helps people find whatever they want from a picture. However, Phi-3 Vision is more than that.

Phi-3 Vision

With the Phi-3 Vision, you can inquire about images or charts, and it will provide insightful responses. Although, it’s not a tool for generating images like DALL-E or Stable Diffusion, but it excels in analysing and understanding images.

If we go into its technicalities, the Phi-3 Vision is a 4.2 billion parameter model that compliments the Phi-3-mini, the smallest member of the Phi-3 family. It offers 3.8 billion parameters. Here’s the complete family: Phi-3-mini, Phi-3-vision, Phi-3-small (7 billion parameters), and Phi-3-medium (14 billion parameters).

Microsoft has been successful with this approach in the past too. I am talking about its Orca-Math model. According to reports, it has surpassed larger competitors in solving maths problems.

Also read: Microsoft’s new Phi-3-mini AI model will help companies with small budget

Phi-3 Vision


For now, Phi-3-vision is only available in preview mode while the other three Phi-3 variants (mini, small, and medium) can be accessed through Azure’s model library. If you want to try it, click here.

AI is growing significantly and tech companies are now even focusing on smaller models. This also marks a significant strategy change and these are pretty important too. On top of that, these smaller models need less processing power and memory. It makes them perfect for mobile devices and other resource-constrained environments.

Mustafa Khan

Mustafa Khan

Mustafa is new on the block and is a tech geek who is currently working with Digit as a News Writer. He tests the new gadgets that come on board and writes for the news desk. He has found his way with words and you can count on him when in need of tech advice. No judgement. He is based out of Delhi, he’s your person for good photos, good food recommendations, and to know about anything GenZ. View Full Profile