Rewind 2015: The year in MEMEs

Rewind 2015: The year in MEMEs

We tell you the tech story of 2015 in memes. Why? Why the hell not!


Oculus revealed their enhanced Rift DK2 version with better positional tracking. By most reports when it does launch early next year, it'll cost in the region of $350. The reason cited by the creators is that they don't want to make compromises. Neither do we want them to if the above meme is to ever come close to being believable.

Oculus reveales their enhanced Rift DK2 version


Lenovo was involved in the controversial Superfish software scandal.

Another Oscar ceremony and once again, no Oscar for Leo, not even a Lego Oscar.


YouTube supports 360-degree videos and they were a treat to watch.

Microsoft announced Windows 10 as a free upgrade.


Net Neutrality caught attention in India.

Fighting a losing battle against record labels.


The popular open-world game was all about it's story and graphics and of course, the card game of Gwent.


Xbox One announced backward capability to Xbox 360 and everyone was elated about it

The initial release of Batman: Arkham Knight on PC was a disaster, hurdled with frame drops and tearing.


A technician was killed by a robot at VW.

Stolen tweets receive DMCA takedowns.

Ashley Madison user's data was dumped on the Internet after a huge hack.

New Horizons carried out a fly-by across Pluto.

The Digital India initiative saw people changing their DPs to show their support.


Sundar Pichai was announced as the new CEO of Google.



Sharp unveiled their new 8K TV while we got started with creating 4K content.

Ahmed took a disassembled clock to school to impress his teachers but in confusion got arrested instead.

NASA announced the discovery of water on Mars and the Internet went crazy about it.

Several tech companies went on a logo changing spree all together.


Panos Panay released the Surfacebook and Surface Pro 4 with a lot of enthusiasm.

The 128GB version of the Apple iPhone 6s Plus costs about Rs. 92,000.

October 21, 2015 was supposed to be the date when we had a hoverboard according to the movie Back To The Future.

Yify and YTS shut down permanently.

Elon Musk discussed the methods of colonising Mars, one of them being nuking the Red Planet .


Steam started listing games in INR and although there price drops in certain games, some games really couldn't come out clean in the conversion. 

Microsoft redacted from their initial offering of unlimited storage on OneDrive after a user uploaded 76 TB of data.

Finally, Sony also announced backward compatibility for PS4 to only support PS2 games.


We were finally getting close to the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. But thanks to the sinister plot of a couple of local movies, the release was pushed further by a week.
It lead to an Internet exile by several fans, trying to avoid spoilers from every medium possible. 

We also saw Facebook introduce Free Basics which was evidently a rebranded

Abhijit Dey

Abhijit Dey

A Star Wars fan and sci-fi enthusiast. When I'm not playing games on my PC, I usually lurk around the Internet, mostly on Reddit. View Full Profile