Intel HPC: Get Enabled

Intel HPC: Get Enabled

It's soon, everyone. The conference you want to go to. It's the Intel® HPC Developer Conference 2017. This isn't for those who are performance-curious; it's for everyone who wants to maximize their hardware's potential. You'll get the latest in technical knowledge plus the hands-on experience you crave. Who likes artificial intelligence? You do. Who likes high productivity languages? You do. Who likes hearing about everything Intel offers? Yeah, still you.

Guess who's going to be there. Yeah, you are, but who else? Andres Rodriguez. He's the guy democratizing AI for you, the people. With over 13 years of experience in AI and the senior technical lead with Intel® Nervana™ platform, I can’t imagine a better person to listen to.

He'll be presenting how Intel is Enabling the Future of Artificial Intelligence. How, you might ask? Through hardware, software, and research. It's going to be technical, because that's what you want. You'll get to hear all the details covering Intel's newest hardware (from data centers to edge devices), all the software optimizations and open source you can handle, and research including new algorithms.

Best of all? It's free. Yeah, it's free registration. If I were you, I'd get on that before someone notices. Just register and show up. Walk in like you own the place on November 11th and 12th in Denver, Colorado. You'll get to learn about High-Performance Computing in the Mile High City.

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