The first hint of business features for Twitter

The first hint of business features for Twitter

In a recent blog post, Twitter has finally given a hint of the kind of features that they will be unveiling for business users in the time to come.

The new feature called ‘Contributors’ — which is currently in beta testing — will allow businesses to authenticate users to tweet on their behalf. In such cases, the tweet would display the if of the tweet contributor as well, making it possible for people to see the people behind the organization.

The example they give on their blog is as follows: “if @Twitter invites @Biz to tweet on its behalf, then a tweet from @Twitter would include @Biz in the byline so that users know more about the real people behind organizations.”

The resultant tweet would look something like this:

Twitter contributor tweets

What they hope for is a better conenct with the organizaiton as you now know who is behind the tweet. As expected this feature will be part of the API, allowing for better integration with other services.

This is not the only business centric feature that Twitter has planned. They claim to have many features in development some of which will be visible to end users and other possibly only to the business users themselves. The new feature will go through a limited beta test, till they believe it is ready for offering to all their business users.

Kshitij Sobti