Battlefield 3: Aftermath out now for PlayStation 3

Battlefield 3: Aftermath out now for PlayStation 3

The latest DLC for Battlefield 3 is now out. DICE had announced that the DLC, titled Aftermath, would be set for release in December.

DICE released a launch trailer to commemorate the event. The trailer features some fast-paced gameplay and some of the new maps included in the new DLC. The DLC is available for PS3 Battlefield 3: Premium subscribers. PC and Xbox 360 owners however, will have to wait till December.

DICE’s Niklas Fegraeus revealed the names of the new maps that will be in the DLC. They included Markaz Monolith, Epicenter, Talah Market and Azadi Palace.

Prior to the launch, DICE released trailers which showcased a new weapon that would be available in Aftermath, namely the crossbow. DICE describes it as a weapon made of salvaged parts – the weapon of a survivor. Trailers show the crossbow to be incredibly versatile, from being able to be used as a regular killing weapon to being able to take out vehicles like helicopters with well-aimed shots. It features a range of modified bolts and can have any kind of scope attached to it. The bolts include regular ones, which are best used for short distances, another lets you sweep an area to detect enemies, and also an explosive bolt to take out heavy vehicles and infantry.

DICE had also revealed details about a new game mode in Battlefield 3 which will be included in the Aftermath DLC. Craig McLeod, DICE producer, said, “Scavenger really is born out of the Aftermath theme. We wanted the players to feel like, ‘I’ve just been trapped in this earthquake and I’m not going to have all of my equipment, I’m not going to have everything I used to have.’ So you are literally rising up with a pistol, a grenade and a specialization.”

Manish Rajesh

Manish Rajesh

Manish can usually be found fervently playing video games of all kinds or… no wait he’s pretty much always playing games View Full Profile