Instagram disables photos via a third-party Windows Phone client

Instagram disables photos via a third-party Windows Phone client

Instagram has made changes to its APIs, which block photos uploaded from third-party clients.

Instagram is one of many major apps missing on Windows Phone platform. WP users have so far used third party clients to post to the image sharing service. But now, Instagram is taking away this facility from WP users is deleting their photos after they are uploaded via a third party client.

As reported by The Verge, users of Instance, a third-party Instagram client, are unable to post photos as well as the URLs to the file.

Instagram has confirmed it has made some changes to its APIs, though not targeted at a particular platform or app. “We recently made an update to the systems that we use to fight spam to help prevent future attacks and increase security. As part of this, applications accessing Instagram against the terms of our API may also be affected. This update does not specifically target any particular app or platform,” says Instagram in a statement.

Earlier, Instance developer Daniel Gary told The Verge that Instagram may be “detecting when photos are not uploading via the official app.” “It’s their servers, their service. What I was doing was not approved by them and was using their private API,” he added, noting he did not blame Facebook for blocking the app.

Kul Bhushan