Tizen 1.0 “Larkspur” SDK and Source Code Released

Tizen is now the child of three parent distributions; Maemo, Moblin, which merged to form MeeGo, and bada, Samsung’s own mobile OS. The pressure on this OS created by giants is now quite high.

After a long convoluted history, as Tizen stands now, it is a mobile operating system that is focussed on web applications — although it is possible to create native applications for Tizen. It is similar in many ways to Mozilla’s Boot2Gecko mobile OS.

Now we have the first release of the Tizen SDK and source code, both of which can be downloaded from the Tizen website

The Tizen SDK includes an IDE for developing Tizen applications, the SDK framework itself and an emulator for testing Tizen applications. Like most other mobile SDKs, the Tizen SDK includes QEMU, an open source emulator — like VirtualBox but capable of emulating non-x86 architecture such as ARM — and an image of the OS. The Tizen image available right now is an x86 one so it should work quite smoothly on a PC.

Since Tizen apps are essentially web applications, there is also a browser-based simulator available which supports the Tizen APIs. The IDE itself is, as is usual, Eclipse based. It offers a number of templates for Tizen apps, with a number of jQuery Mobile based apps as well.

You can get download the SDK and find out more about Tizen from its website: https://www.tizen.org/

Kshitij Sobti