CS2 Major: MOUZ and Spirit race to the playoffs of the PGL CS2 Major 2024; FURIA and TheMongolz knocked out

CS2 Major: MOUZ and Spirit race to the playoffs of the PGL CS2 Major 2024; FURIA and TheMongolz knocked out

After an action-packed first day of the Elimination stage at the PGL CS2 Major 2024, the stage was set for an equally exciting Day 2, which coincided with the first anniversary of Counter-Strike 2. The game was announced on March 22, 2023, and since has become a cornerstone in the FPS community. The game has had its own share of ups and downs; however, the community’s love for Counter-Strike remains unfazed. On Day 2, we saw 7 games being played, and each one of them brought out something new in the players, pushing them to their absolute limit. Here’s a look at how the action unfolded on Day 2 of the Elimination stage of the PGL CS2 Major 2024, taking place in Copenhagen –

On Day 2 of the Elimination stage, we had matches divided into two categories – the first three games of the day were Best of One (Bo1) matches, and the last four were Best of Two (Bo2) matches. Let’s start with the Bo1s.

Bo1 matches on Day 2 of the Elimination stage at the PGL CS2 Major 2024, start with win for C9 and heartbreak for FaZe

The first game of the day between G2 and Cloud9 took us to Anubis. Coming into this game, both the teams had won one and lost one game and were looking to tilt the odds in their favour by securing a win, in the race to the playoffs. But, when the two sides met, Cloud9 showed their prowess in handling pressure and won the game with a scoreline of 13-9 in their favour. Alongside C9 and G2, we had Eternal Fire take down FaZe in their game on Overpass. Eternal Fire, the Turkish squad that had been one of the top performers in the Opening stage of the PGL CS2 Major 2024, took down FaZe in a shock 13-1 wipeout victory. 

In the last Bo1 game of the day, Vitality took on Imperial on Overpass. The French super team in the buildup to this game had a shaky start to their run, having managed to win just one game of their two on Day 1 of the Elimination stage of the PGL CS2 Major 2024. However, with a 13-9 victory, they managed to turn the tide in their favour and get things going again.

Now, it was time for the Bo2 games.

MOUZ on a super run, race into the playoffs with Spirit

In the first three map faceoff, MOUZ were pitted against Complexity, who were on an insane run of form after winning both their games on Day 1, and in what way!? However, same had been the case with MOUZ, who had scored two convincing wins on the first day. However, come the match, and Complexity were of no match to MOUZ. The EU-based team, shattered the hopes of American CS fans by defeating Complexity 13-1 on Overpass and 13-2 on Ancient. It was truly a team effort from Complexity, as three of their five players, Dorian ‘xertioN’ Berman, Ádám ‘torzsi’ Torzsás, and Jimi ‘Jimpphat’ Salo dropped over 30 frags each.

The second Bo3 game of the day had paiN taking on TheMongolz. Mongolz, after their qualification into the Elimination stage have not had the best of times. However, they did put up a valiant fight against paiN. On their map pick, Mirage, they danced home to a 13-9 victory as paiN bounced back on their map pick, Nuke, winning the map 13-10. The best action happened on Inferno, where the battle between the two sides, went into triple over time. And, when the dust settled, we had seen 41 rounds of Counter-Strike having been played on Inferno, and the scoreline read 22-19. In whose favour? Well, the Brazilians took the last laugh, as paiN took home a well-deserved win, closing off Day 2 of the Elimination stage of the PGL CS2 Major 2024 on a positive note!

Spirit continued their dominant run of form, riding on the Dmitry ‘sh1ro’ Sokolov and Danil ‘donk’ Kryshkovets train, taking wins one after the other. With their win over NAVI, Spirit joined MOUZ to be the first team to make it into the 3-0 bracket, reserving their spots in the playoffs of the tournament. In the last game of the day, ECSTATIC shredded the Brazilian hopes, as they stomped over FURIA 2-1 in their faceoff.

Here’s what the points table looked like Day 2 of the Elimination stage of the PGL CS2 Major 2024 –

CS2 Major 2024 – Points table at the end of Day 2 of Elimination Stage
CS2 Major 2024 – Points table at the end of Day 2 of Elimination Stage
(Green: Qualified for playoffs, Red: Eliminated)

Day 3 of the Elimination stage promises exciting CS action

With only two days to go before the playoffs, the teams will be looking to get their acts together and get the most number of wins under their belt. MOUZ and Spirit with their 3-0 run in the Elimination stage have already made it into the playoffs. And, on the other hands, FURIA and TheMongolz are headed to de_airport.

Here’s the schedule for Day 3 of the Elimination stage of the PGL CS2 Major 2024 –

CS2 Major 2024, Elimination Stage – Day 3 – Schedule
CS2 Major 2024, Elimination Stage – Day 3 – Schedule

On Day 3 of the Elimination stage of the PGL CS2 Major 2024, we will have Eternal Fire taking on Virtus.Pro and Imperial taking on FaZe to start the proceedings. As I said earlier, the competition from here on will be intense. Teams will look to grab their spot in the playoffs as soon as possible to get some downtime and prepare for the big stage. As fans of the eSport, one thing is guaranteed, exciting Counter-Strike action!

To check out all of our coverage of the PGL CS2 Major Copenhagen, check out this page.

Satvik Pandey

Satvik Pandey

Satvik Pandey, is a self-professed Steve Jobs (not Apple) fanboy, a science & tech writer, and a sports addict. At Digit, he works as a Deputy Features Editor, and manages the daily functioning of the magazine. He also reviews audio-products (speakers, headphones, soundbars, etc.), smartwatches, projectors, and everything else that he can get his hands on. A media and communications graduate, Satvik is also an avid shutterbug, and when he's not working or gaming, he can be found fiddling with any camera he can get his hands on and helping produce videos – which means he spends an awful amount of time in our studio. His game of choice is Counter-Strike, and he's still attempting to turn pro. He can talk your ear off about the game, and we'd strongly advise you to steer clear of the topic unless you too are a CS junkie. View Full Profile
