Facebook Pages updated to add replies and threaded comments

Facebook Pages updated to add replies and threaded comments

Facebook has added a new feature that is likely to make replying and commenting on posts of Facebook Pages easier.

Facebook has announced it is rolling out new features – replies and threaded comments – to its Pages platform, used by brands and public figures.

Users can now create comment threads under Facebook posts . This means users not need to add the @ user name while replying to one person in the comments section. It is believed the new feature will help brands increase engagement between users and Page moderators.

“You and your readers will have the ability to reply directly to comments left on your Page content and start conversation threads, which will make it easier for you to interact directly with individual readers and keep relevant conversations connected. Also, the most active and engaging conversations among your readers will be surfaced at the top of your posts ensuring that people who visit your Page will see the best conversations,” says Facebook in a post.

It’s notable the comment replies are tailored to support popular replies. The most active replies and discussions will be moved to the top, allowing visitors to the post / Page to view the hottest / most relevant conversation on the post. However, the order of comments and conversation threads depends on the relevance to the reader and is likely to vary user to user.

Facebook explains:

“Positive Feedback: the amount of positive feedback based on the total number of Likes and Replies in a conversation thread, which includes Likes or Replies by the Page owner.

Connections: connections to participants in a thread may move the conversation higher. For example, conversations with Comments left by friends may appear at the top.

Negative Feedback: the total number of spam reports in a thread, as well as marks-as-spam made by the Page owner. We also may down-rank comments made by frequent spammers.”

“Replies can also be used to foster open dialogue with your community. For example, SportsCenter hosted a Super Bowl chat with Herm Edwards, where viewers were able to ask questions and get direct responses from the former NFL coach and player. The most active conversations during the Q&A were surfaced higher in the thread,” further explains Facebook.

The new conversation threads feature is available as an opt-in feature to Facebook Pages. The option is placed in Manage Permissions section. But if you have a Facebook Page with more than 10,000 followers, the feature will automatically be opted into the service. By July 10, 2013, all the Facebook Pages will have the service auto-enabled.

Source: Facebook

Kul Bhushan