44 percent of Twitter users have never tweeted: Report

44 percent of Twitter users have never tweeted: Report

44 percent of 974 million Twitter users have actually never tweeted.

According to a report from Twopcharts, a social media tracking site, 44 percent of registered Twitter users have never tweeted. The report also reveals that nearly 30 percent of existing Twitter accounts have sent 1-10 tweets only. Furthermore, only 13 percent of the registered accounts have sent 100 tweets or more.

Twopchart’s report also says that around 542.1 million accounts have seen only one tweet since they were created, which suggests that more than half of the accounts in existence have actively tried out the service. But just 23 percent of those accounts have sent out tweets in the past 30 days.

Twitter recently announced that it has 241 million monthly active users in the last quarter of 2013. However, this also means that the rest of the 730 million users out of the total 974 million do not necessarily even log-in every month. Twitter considers a “user” as an active user if one logs-in at least once in a month, even if the person is not tweeting during that period.

Twitter which has seen a decline in its growth numbers has constantly been working on making its service more engaging and user-friendly. Twitter has seen a growth of just 3.8 percent over the previous quarter as compared with 10 percent growth in the beginning of 2013. The micro-blogging site has introduced several features including photos in the timeline, photo tagging support, in-app video link support, emoji characters on the web, and recently introduced Facebook-like interface to make the site more appealing.

Source: Twopcharts

Silky Malhotra

Silky Malhotra

Silky Malhotra loves learning about new technology, gadgets, and more. When she isn’t writing, she is usually found reading, watching Netflix, gardening, travelling, or trying out new cuisines. View Full Profile
