Instagram revamps Boomerang with SlowMo, Echo and Bounce to take on TikTok

Instagram revamps Boomerang with SlowMo, Echo and Bounce to take on TikTok

Threatened by Tiktok’s rise, Instagram has introduced similar effects to its Boomerang feature.

The new Boomerang filters and effects in there in the Boomerang composer in the Instagram Stories camera.

The effects were present in Snapchat and TikTok for quite some time now.

Your Instagram Boomerangs are getting a makeover. Threatened by TikTok’s rise, Instagram has introduced similar effects to its Boomerang feature. The new additions comes five years after Boomerangs were introduced in 2015, and according to a report by TechCrunch, it is the most widely used feature while recording stories.

The new Boomerang filters and effects in there in the Boomerang composer in the Instagram Stories camera. Once the video is recorder, tap the infinity symbol to bring up the new effects.

The new effects include SlowMo, and as the name suggests, it slows the frame speed to half the original speed. There’s Echo, that adds a blur to everything that moves almost like what you’d see when you’re drunk. Lastly, there’s Duo, that speeds up the video with a glitch effect as it moves back and forth. With the latest update, it’s also possible to adjust the length of the Boomerang video.

The effects were a long time coming to Instagram Boomerangs. Having existed in TikTok and Snapchat for quite some time, it was only a matter of time before they were copied across to Instagram. That’s essentially how these platforms work. The Instagram Stories itself are the best examples.

The new effects are available in the new version of the Instagram apps for both iOS and Android. You can update the app from the respective app stores.

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