Rails 3.0 released

Rails 3.0 released

Ruby on Rails is a popular Ruby framework for creating powerful web applications with relative ease. Now Ruby on Rails has seen its third release which makes the framework more modular, easy to extend, and gives developer more flexibility about the frameworks they use in conjunction with Rails. Perhaps the most famous example of a website built on Rails would be Twitter.

Ruby on Rails relies on two important principles of development, Convention over configuration and Don’t repeat yourself. What this means is, that if there is already established way of implementing a particular thing, then it will automatically be done that way. If your use case differs from convention, you can configure it the way you want. For example, if you have a class called Book which represents a book in your database, its corresponding table in the database will already be called Books, instead of requiring the developer to specify this. Don’t repeat yourself implies that information that doesn’t change need only be specified one rather than every time it is used. So if you have once defined that each book has a “title” then Rails will automatically always associate this with a “title” column in the database.

Rails 3.0 includes improvements in the Active Record query engine which is used to construct queries to manipulate the database. The routing functionality in Rails which is used to determine how URLs resolver to their corresponding Ruby code has also been revamped. For the security conscious, Rails 3 now features more protection from attacks with XSS protection. Rails 3 has undergone many more changes including an official plugins API. More information about the new features in Rails 3 can be found here.

For more information about Ruby on Rails visit it’s official website.


Kshitij Sobti