iPhone 7 users drilling holes in their brand new phones for a headphone jack

iPhone 7 users drilling holes in their brand new phones for a headphone jack

Owners of the latest iPhone are being tricked by a YouTube video into destroying their phones

Ever since Apple displayed ‘courage’ in their reveal of the headphone jack-less iPhone 7, it has been the most talked about feature, or rather the absence of a feature, on the new iPhone or any phone for that matter. Although reactions have been quite varied, the general stance that Apple fans have been taking is an apprehensive one. Even the most ardent Apple user would initially find it difficult to keep a track of the wireless Airpods that are now closely integrated into the new iPhone ecosystem. We understand, change is hard!

A YouTube video that has been doing the rounds of the internet has taken advantage of this anxiety. The video, which has now been viewed more than 9 million times, goes on to show how users can drill a hole into the chassis of their new iPhone 7 devices at a specific place to create a perfectly usable headphone jack. And in the end, the man in the video proudly declares, "And just like that, you have your own 3.5 mm headphone jack!". Unfortunately, a lot of users did not see the intended prank in it and actually took the instructions seriously. Needless to say, this led to a lot of destroyed iPhone 7 devices along with hopes and dreams.

This is not exactly the first time such a prank has been accomplished with iPhone users. Back in 2014, a similarly misleading video showed that an iPhone could be recharged by putting it in a microwave? Or the online prank rumor that iOS 7 actually makes iPhones waterproof? Well, we wouldn’t want to generalise things, but iPhone users really need to stop falling for things like this. C’mon guys, if Apple could have fit a headphone jack into that chassis, they wouldn’t have left the job for you and some power tools, right?

This is the ‘instructional’ video –



Arnab Mukherjee