Google Glass new update lets you wink and take photos
Google Glass update adds YouTube uploading, Hangouts and lets you take photos with a wink of the eye.
Google has rolled out a new update for Google Glass. It has added some much requested features like full hangouts support, video uploading to YouTube and a new wink gesture to take photos.
Google has also introduced new security features for your Google Glass similar to a smartphones lockscreen. Users can now secure their Google Glass with a “secret Google handshake” that’s basically a sequence of taps and swipes. The company has also added Full Hangouts support and has also a new option for uploading videos directly to YouTube.
The company states in a blog post, “Chatting with your best friend, messaging everyone from your ski trip at once, sending picture messages… all of it is now possible on Glass.”
“Imagine a day where you’re riding in the back of a cab and you just wink at the meter to pay,” the firm said in a blog post. “You wink at a pair of shoes in a shop window and your size is shipped to your door. You wink at a cookbook recipe and the instructions appear right in front of you – hands-free, no mess, no fuss,” it added.
A number of wearable technology gadgets have been launched this year. Samsung launched the Galaxy Gear smartwatch in September that can be used to make calls and run apps. Qualcomm has launched the Toq smartwatch on Dec 2 in US that comes with a ‘Qualcomm Mirasol display’. According to Qualcomm the “Mirasol” color screen is a one of a kind touch display that can be easily viewed outdoors.
Apart from wearables, Google is apparently interested in the field of robotics. Google recently took over Boston Dynamics a company that is known for developing super-fast robots for the US Army. Interestingly, Google has taken over half a dozen seven robotics firms in the last six months.
Source: Google