Facebook updates News Feed to focus on more quality content

Facebook updates News Feed to focus on more quality content

Social networking site Facebook revamps News Feed to showcase more news and quality content.

Facebook News feed will now display more quality content including news stories! The social networking site cites a recent survey that showed people use Facebook not only to stay connected with friends and family, but also to stay updated with the latest news.

The Facebook survey also found that people preferred reading high quality content about their favorite celebrities, sports teams as well as current events. Now, the social networking site will focus more on quality content instead from the latest meme. This means quality stories will now be showed more prominently in News Feed instead of meme photos. The update will also highlight the posts to the top of the newsfeed on which the user’s friends have commented, to create more conversation around the articles with comments.

“People use Facebook to share and connect, including staying current on the latest news, whether it’s about their favourite celebrity or what’s happening in the world,” said the blog post from Facebook engineering manager Varun Kacholia and software engineer Minwen Ji.

“We’ve noticed that people enjoy seeing articles on Facebook, and so we’re now paying closer attention to what makes for high quality content, and how often articles are clicked on from News Feed on mobile. What this means is that you may start to notice links to articles a little more often (particularly on mobile).”

Facebook has recently started displaying articles based on the users search history and interests. When users click on a link to an article in the Facebook News Feed they can see up to three related articles.

Facebook now has 1.19 billion monthly active users, an 18 percent growth YoY. The company reported $2.2 billion revenue in Q3,2013 an increase of 60 percent compared with $ 1.26 billion in Q3, 2012. The company’s revenues from advertising grew 66 percent to $ 1.80 from the same quarter last year.

Source: Mashable

Silky Malhotra

Silky Malhotra

Silky Malhotra loves learning about new technology, gadgets, and more. When she isn’t writing, she is usually found reading, watching Netflix, gardening, travelling, or trying out new cuisines. View Full Profile
