EA gives Natal a thumbs-up, while Valve writer is unconvinced

EA gives Natal a thumbs-up, while Valve writer is unconvinced
The world’s biggest video game distributor and every gamer’s favourite game developer seem to be at odds about Microsoft’s upcoming 3D motion-detection technology, Project Natal.
John Riccitiello, the CEO of game publisher and distributor Electronics Arts, said in a financial phone conference that the company was positive about Natal, as well as Sony’s PS3 Motion Controller.
“We’re planning to support both. We haven’t yet announced our plans to do so, but we shall do so in the right time-frame for that,” he said. The titles would be revealed in “early-to-mid 2010,” he added. 
Meanwhile, Destructoid sat down with Chet Faliszek, the writer of Valve’s Left4Dead 2. Valve also has other heavyweight franchises under its belt, such as Half Life, Team Fortress and Counter-Strike. 
Faliszek is impressed by the technology behind Natal, but questions its translation into actual usage.
“Have you seen Natal? We got to check it out here, and it’s actually really cool,” he told Destructoid. “Like, there’s someone running around, jumping around and someone else walks up and it instantly recognises this other person, splits them off and [they do] their own thing. 
“There’s a lot of coolness around it, but I’m not sure about the game that comes with that, and I’m not sure, personally, how much I want to move around. I’m a lazy, lazy man. I don’t want to move. I don’t want to be fatigued playing a game.”
“I think Wii hit it out of the park with the titles that it shipped with. They are perfect games for that console… I haven’t found much else that’s compelling. I want to see the compelling game [for the Natal] first.”
You and us both, Chet, you and us both…

Mihir Patkar