Like, Python will like tooootally make your code THE friggin shit

Like, Python will like tooootally make your code THE friggin shit

Has it ever bothered you that programming languages are unnecessarily formal?

Why should you need to create a Hello World program like this:

with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Hello is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Hello, world!");
end Hello;

When you can create it like this:

yo just print like "hello world" bro

Then “Like, Python” is the programming language for you! “Like, Python” adds some of the most common words that “the kids are typing these days.”

The idea for the language struck Jonathan Howard just this Feburary, as he heard his coworker read out code fluently with “like’s, um’s, whatever’s,” included and realized that they would be a perfect addition to the python vernacular.

“Like, Python” introduces some commonly used words to the Python python language allowing one to write code as descriptive as:


friggin name = raw_input("What WAS her name?") biatch

The added Python keywords include:


  • Valleygirl: omg, so, like, totally, right, toootally
  • Frat guy: friggin, fuckin, dude, man, bro, broheim, broseph
  • Internets: lol, rofl, teh, ohai, plz
  • Snoop: yo, homey, homeboy, sup, dog, shit, girl, ma, biatch, ho, shiiit
  • Local: wicked, hella, anyways
  • Misc: just, hey, yeah, ok, um, uh, ah, actually, something

Of course this is just version 0.1, and the developer of “Like, Python” is sure to add more as he gets feedback.


Inputting a name and totally, like greeting them in Like, Python

uh from sys import exit

# Grab the user's name.
ok so like name = raw_input("yo! what's your name?" ) right

# Make sure they entered something, then say hi.
if name.strip() is actually like "":
     toootally just exit()
    um yeah
    print like "Hi %s, nice to meet you." % name


Kshitij Sobti