5 Things to Keep in Mind When Travelling Out of the Country for the First Time

5 Things to Keep in Mind When Travelling Out of the Country for the First Time

Travelling abroad for the first time can be a very exciting prospect. You will be experiencing a whole new culture, experience sights that you may have previously only seen on TV or on the internet. Of course, it is normal to be a little anxious as well. What documents will they require? What all should you carry? And perhaps the biggest question of all, how will I stay connected from there?

Well, there are certain things that you can do to ensure that your first international trip goes off without a hitch. 

Carry original documents as well as copies

Before you head off to the airport, it’s a very good idea to not only carry all necessary original documents with you, but also copies of the same documents. This includes physical copies as well as soft copies that you can save on the cloud. Also, click pictures of your documents and hotel stays and save it on your phone. These will come in handy in case the dreaded happens and you lose your documents. 

Pick an international roaming pack in advance

When you are out and about, you would want to have the internet. After all, how else will you post all your photos on social media? Of course, you could get a new SIM card when you land in the new country, but that might be a bit of a hassle. Rather, you may consider getting an international roaming pack, which would ensure that you not only continue to have the same phone number, but also enjoy internet connectivity from the moment you touch down in the new country. Airtel offers a range of international roaming packs that you can choose depending on the length of your stay.

Get Travel insurance

No matter how meticulously you plan your travel, you never know when something untoward may happen. That is why it’s always a very good idea to get travel insurance because any mishap may send you in a tizzy in a foreign land. And remember, medical expenses can be up to 5 times more expensive there as compared to India. Travel insurance covers everything from lost baggage, injuries to even hijacking. Remember to search around for travel insurance in order to ensure that you get the best possible deal. 

Plan for jet lag

Jet lag is something international travellers have to keep in mind, especially those who are travelling far. If flying west, plan to counter jet lag by using natural light in the morning to counter its effects and reset your body’s internal clock to the local time. Keep yourself hydrated at all times. A good thing to do is to move around or even exercise in case you land in the morning. Finally, try taking a hot shower before you sleep. After all, the last thing you want is to feel super sleepy in the middle of a museum tour. 

Buy a universal travel adapter

It’s a rookie mistake to travel out of the country for the first time and expect your plugs to fit those in another country. Thankfully, a universal travel adapter will let you plug in your devices wherever you might be travelling to. Many travel adapters also come with built-in USB ports, so you can charge multiple devices without the need to purchase multiple travel adapters.

[Brand story by Airtel]

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