Intel System Studio 2018 Beta User Guide for Internet of Things (IoT) Java development

Intel System Studio 2018 Beta User Guide for Internet of Things (IoT) Java development

This guide contains steps to create Internet of Things (IoT) projects in Java*, using the Intel® System Studio. The Intel System Studio contains plug-ins for Eclipse* that allows you to connect to, update, and program IoT projects on a compatible board. You can take advantage of the example projects and sample code, manage connections to multiple IoT boards, update the middleware libraries on your board, and more.

The version of the Intel System Studio covered in this guide provides support for the following boards in Java:

  • Intel® IoT Gateway
  • MinnowBoard MAX*

For steps to create and work with C/C++ projects, see the Intel® System Studio User Guide for C/C++.

For more information about Java support for IoT, including compatibility information, building and running Java IoT applications, and known limitations, check the Java* for IoT Reference Guide.


  • You have already set up and connected your IoT board to your host computer. For steps, see the following:
  • For supported gateways, see the Getting Started with Intel® IoT Gateways using the Intel® IoT Developer Kit.
  • If you have a Windows host system, it must have Windows* 8 or above.
  • If you have a Linux host system, Ubuntu* 16.04 is supported.
  • You must have an internet connection to run the Intel® System Studio and create projects.

The following table summarizes the IoT platforms, target operating systems, and programming languages supported by the Intel® System Studio.

For more such intel IoT resources and tools from Intel, please visit the Intel® Developer Zone
