Google Maps now warns you when your destination is closed


Google adds new feature that could prove to be a boon for travellers.

You start on a long-journey towards your destination, be it a restaurant or a shop, only to find that it is closed for the day. It is something that we all have experienced. Google is looking to prevent this from happening, and has updated Maps to warn you when your destination is closed.

It does this by estimating the time it would take to travel there from your current location, taking in factors like the speed you are travelling at, the traffic you may experience and more. It cross-references this with the closing time of your destination, and pops up a warning if it finds that the destination may be closed by the time you reach there.

Google already has the information about the closing and opening times of many establishments on Google Maps, and this feature can make travel much more easier. The updated Maps also adds Car Rental Reservations when you search for your events in Gmail.

Download the update to make travelling much more easier.

Kishore Ganesh