NASA introduces free online 3D game – ‘Moonbase Alpha’ mission on Steam

NASA introduces free online 3D game – ‘Moonbase Alpha’ mission on Steam

NASA has reportedly unleashed a free online video game called “Moonbase Alpha”, which introduces the players to step into the role of an explorer, as a part of a space exploration team lurking in a futuristic 3D lunar environment. The player is provided with a settlement and an independent outpost located on the south pole of the moon which uses solar energy and regolith processing to charge its life support systems.

The game puts you into a tight spot, when an unexpected meteor strikes the Moon base, rendering it useless with crippled life-support systems as a result of the impact damage. Your survival time starts ticking as the oxygen levels start dwindling over time! You are provided with an impressive assortment of inventory at your disposal including an interactive command center, lunar rover, mobile robotic repair units (drones) and a fully-stocked equipment shed. The game reportedly requires you to master various levels of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to successfully accomplish your objectives, as you gain experience and knowledge during gameplay. The game is currently said to run on Steam platform supporting extensive single and mutiplayer scenarios, along with a non-linear gameplay for achieving the game’s primary objective – to repair and replace damaged life-support systems and thereby restore the oxygen production before your time runs out.

NASA’s Moonbase Alpha game trailer

Vinod Yalburgi