Gas Powered Games working on a new RTS

Gas Powered Games working on a new RTS





Chris Taylor's Kings and Castles


Demigod developers Gas Powered Games have sent out a press release announcing that the studio is working on a new real-time strategy game called ‘Chris Taylor’s Kings and Castles’. This multiplatform game will put the player in the role of a King, competing for control with other Kings.

 The game’s setting and the name itself does not instill a lot of excitement; however, in a video log posted on the game’s website, Chris Taylor has committed to at least make the development process a unique experience. The developer is going to release a regular series of video logs that will give the viewer “step-by-step” insight into the game’s designing process. Maybe this could turn into one of those reality shows?—who knows?

Kings and Castles Video Blog: Chris Taylor kicking off the game’s development, with farm animals



Faiyaz Shaikh