Twitter Blue price in India for iPhone users revealed

Twitter Blue price in India for iPhone users revealed

Twitter Blue has oficially been launched in India.

The price for the subscription for Apple iPhone users has been revealed to be ₹999.

The price for Android has not been released yet.

Twitter Blue, Musk’s subscription service for the micro-blogging platform, has finally been launched, after being pulled back to resolve issues. The service launched yesterday and includes various verification systems (such as phone number verification) to reduce the chances of impersonation. Twitter will offer this service at different price points for different users across the world, and the price in India has now been revealed.

Twitter Blue India price for iPhone users

The subscription price for users in India who have an Apple iPhone has been revealed to be ₹999 per month, which is slightly higher than $8 per month, which works out to be ₹661.5 per month. Paying this subscription fee will give you access to the blue verification tick mark next to your profile.

Why is the price of Twitter Blue higher for iPhone users?

Originally, the price of the Twitter Blue was supposed to be ₹719, however, the company has bumped it up to ₹999. This is mainly because Apple’s App Store charges a 30% commission to developers and the higher price covers the price of the high commission. 

The price of the subscription for Android users in India has not been released yet. However, in the USA, the price is $8 for Android users and $11 for Apple users. So, based on this, Android users can expect to enjoy a lower subscription amount for Twitter Blue. 

Kajoli Anand Puri

Kajoli Anand Puri

Kajoli is a tech-enthusiast with a soft-spot for smart kitchen and home appliances. She loves exploring gadgets and gizmos that are designed to make life simpler, but also secretly fears a world run by AI. Oh wait, we’re already there. View Full Profile