Pokemon Go grows bigger than Tinder, set to surpass Twitter soon

Pokemon Go grows bigger than Tinder, set to surpass Twitter soon

Augmented Reality mobile game, Pokemon Go has taken the world by storm, as it grows bigger than long-time dating app Tinder. The AR game is soon set to trump Twitter as well.

Augmented Reality mobile game, Pokemon Go has taken the world by storm, as it grows bigger than long-time dating app Tinder. The AR game is also looking to trump Twitter, the most popular microblogging app in the world. This, even when the game is available in only select countries right now.  

Pokemon Go, one of the biggest mobile games in a while, is now installed on 5% of all Android devices in the US. In comparison, dating app Tinder commands a miniscule 2% market share, after 4 years of existence.

Researchers at Similarweb have found that there are now as many people wanting to excel at Pokemon Go, as there are daily active users on Twitter. Analysts also foresee that the user base of the game will soon exceed that of Twitter! Now, that is pretty mind blowing for a newly launched game!

User stats for the game are also pretty impressive. As per data, 60% of Pokemon players are its daily active users. On an average, a Pokemon Master plays on the app for approximately 44 minutes daily. It is also worth noting that thanks to the ballooning popularity of the game, Nintendo’s stock has seen a surge of 25% since the launch of Pokemon Go. The game is currently available in US, Australia and New Zealand, with UK, Europe and Asia on the horizon. 

Adamya Sharma

Adamya Sharma

Managing editor, Digit.in - News Junkie, Movie Buff, Tech Whizz! View Full Profile
