LG to showcase latest smart appliances with LINE chat capability at CES 2014

LG to showcase latest smart appliances with LINE chat capability at CES 2014

LG will be showing off new and improved smart appliances at CES 2014 to be held next month that will make use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that will allow users to interact and share content with LG Home appliances

LG will showcase its future innovations and technologies that will make use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that will allow users to interact and share content with LG Home appliances through popular mobile messenger, LINE and LG’s own HomeChatTM service.

There is no learning curve with Homechat because it was specifically designed to be used with LINE, which has 310 milion users worldwide. Available on all major smartphone platforms including desktops and laptops running on Microsoft windows and MAC OS X. Smart appliances with the ability to understand natural language implies that owners can interact with appliances with messages like ” I’m going out for Christmas” and smart appliances would in turn respond with their own message for instance, “Should I convert to vacation mode”, and if the user responds yes, it will turn on the refrigerator’s power-saving mode. Now that would be so cool!.

With the messaging capabilities of HomeChat,smart appliance users will be able to receive real time status updates from their refrigerators, family members can even upload photos to their fridge via smartphones using line which will be displayed on the refrigerator’s display panel.

With Smart Manager, customers can use the LCD panel or their smartphones through the LG Smart Refrigerator app to know what’s inside the fridge without even opening the door. Smart Manger also has the ability to recommend you what dishes to prepare based on the ingredients in the fridge.

Vacuum cleaners called HOM-BOT SQUARE will have the ability to clean at a particular time depending on personal preferences of the user. Owners can even ask HOM-BOT SQUARE ‘When did you last clean’ using HomeChat. Moreover, users can control HOM-BOT SQUARE’s movement manually using HomeChat.

There will also be a washing machine, which using HomeChat, can download up-to-date wash cycles to suit their personal needs. It can also be used o monitor the current state o the washer, receive alerts via smartphone or LG Smart TV when a wash cycle is complete.

Finally, with LG’s smart oven, users can interact their smart oven using HomeChatTM and Recipe Search, to recommend recipes for dishes and figure out the kind of ingredients required. This eventually reduces the hassle of manually setting the cooking mode. It will also aid users to come up with new and interesting meals, by providing recipe updates.

LG as their mantra stands ‘Life’s Good’ is setting new trends in the home appliance segment. For more information, visit LG.com

Abhinav Mishra