Google launches Device Assist for Nexus, GPE and Android One devices

Google launches Device Assist for Nexus, GPE and Android One devices

Google Device Assist is a troubleshooting app meant for devices running Android 5.0 Lollipop.

Google has launched a new troubleshooting app called Device Assist for Nexus, Google Play edition (GPE), and Android One devices running Android 5.0 Lollipop. The Device Assist app is currently limited to US-based devices and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

Google says that the new app provides "tips and proactive troubleshooting" when it detects issues on a device. The app will offer suggestions like changing the screen brightness setting to save battery, or to charge from a power outlet rather than from a USB port for faster charging. It also includes a button to contact Google support team for complicated issues and reminds users to share device information with Google for improved technical support.

Google Play listing says that Device Assist app will give users get proactive help with detected issues including GPS, connectivity, and battery among others. It also includes some tips to explore new features and improve the performance of device as well as easy access to live Google support for Nexus and Google Play edition devices.

The device assist app could also be a way from Google to track any further issues with its Android 5.0 Lollipop. The internet giant has already faced complaints of WiFi issues, battery bug and more in its latest OS. Google is announced a new update for Android 5.0, dubbed Android 5.0.1 to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) with the build number LRX22C. This initial update will most likely be for fixing bugs and issues reported by users in the last few weeks.  

Source: Google Play

Silky Malhotra

Silky Malhotra

Silky Malhotra loves learning about new technology, gadgets, and more. When she isn’t writing, she is usually found reading, watching Netflix, gardening, travelling, or trying out new cuisines. View Full Profile