Not just a quick Glance: Piyush Shah on India’s growing smartphone habit

Not just a quick Glance: Piyush Shah on India’s growing smartphone habit

In an age where the digital content creation and consumption landscape is continually evolving, Glance, an AI-powered platform with a difference, is carving a niche in the world of content consumption that aims to redefine and disrupt how we interact with our most intimate of modern gadgets: the smartphone. Dismissed by some as ‘bloatware’ or an unnecessary fad, Glance is a serious disruptor in the tech arena, according to Piyush Shah, Co-founder of InMobi Group and COO & President of Glance.

“We wanted to build something incredibly convenient for individuals always on the go,” Shah says, explaining the inception of Glance back in 2019. It’s an ambition that has led to the creation of a platform offering everything from instant games to live streaming, all on the lock screen of Android smartphones. This is not just a feature but a fundamental shift in how users engage with their devices, according to Shah.

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Even the most ardent critics of Glance can’t argue against its genius and utter simplicity of use. By leveraging the lock screen, a space typically underutilised beyond wanton app notifications, Glance has turned it into a dynamic interface, pulsating with content tailored to individual tastes and preferences. Shah emphasises that it’s all about reimagining possibilities, “We were very clear that we will reimagine the way consumers engage with their phones, and we picked up lock screen as the surface to provide that experience.”

The use of AI and machine learning is the cornerstone of this reimagined engagement. Glance’s algorithms delve deep into understanding user behaviour, curating content that resonates on a personal level. Shah proudly states, “Our technology enables both speed and scale of content delivery. The delivery of fresh content happens in a mere 200 milliseconds, and our personalised content reaches over 450 million devices every day.” 


But what does this mean for the average user? For starters, an average Glance user spends about 25 minutes daily on their lock screen. Shah notes, “Our platform has witnessed a 1.2x growth in active users in India and 1.3x growth in active users globally in the last year.” With hundreds of millions of ‘Glances’ daily, Shah’s startup seems to have unlocked the Android smartphone’s lock screen as a format for sticky, unputdownable, and immersive interactions. These numbers don’t just speak to the platform’s popularity, they underscore a fundamental shift in consumer behaviour, according to Shah.

Despite its success, Glance faces a delicate balancing act of continuing to provide constant value without overwhelming its users. As a facilitator of the platform, Shah understands this conundrum all too well. “Our focus is to help users stay up to date, learn or discover something new,” he says, highlighting the platform’s emphasis on curating content that is both engaging and valuable. Aware of what he describes as a massive responsibility of curating personalised content for millions of smartphone users across India and the world, Shah emphasises that Glance’s platform is designed to know, learn, experience, and constantly grow with its user’s likes and dislikes with time.

The future of Glance is as dynamic as its content. With Glance 2.0, Shah envisions a platform that covers the entire “intent to inspiration spectrum.” This means live experience zones catering to specific interests, from fitness to sports, and an expansion into global markets. Recently, Glance made its foray into Japan and Latin America, with plans to launch in the United States soon. “We are already present in India and Indonesia, which are the most matured markets for us so far,” Shah adds. In India and Southeast Asia, Glance claims to have established a strong foothold, with its smart lock-screen platform bundled with various OEMs enjoying an active user base of over 230 million.

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Looking at the broader industry perspective, the transformation of the smartphone lock screen landscape over the next decade is poised to be significant. Experts predict that AI-driven personalisation and live entertainment will dramatically change how people interact with their smartphones. By all indications, Shah is at the forefront of this transformation, with Glance leading the charge.

Not just the lock screen, even monetisation – a crucial aspect for any startup – is approached creatively at Glance. The platform collaborates with advertisers to deliver personalised experiences and content. Shah explains, “Through full-screen imagery, brands can capture audience attention even before they unlock their phones.” It’s an innovative approach, turning the lock screen into a new frontier for advertising like never before – not counting a few annoyed users who would prefer not to see any ads on their screen, of course. 

Glance office

Advertising is meaningless without data, and how that data is gathered, stored and respected matters. Data privacy, a paramount concern in today’s digital ecosystem, is not lost on Shah and his team. He assures, “At Glance, we prioritise privacy with utmost seriousness. Every feature of Glance is designed to be privacy compliant.” Glance doesn’t collect any personal information without express consent from the consumer, as required by the laws of the land. The signals collected through the consumer’s interaction on the Glance platform are only used to improve the recommendations on the lock screen and be able to add higher value in a consumer’s life by bringing them content that they indicate is most relevant to them, Shah emphasises further. This reassurance is crucial in maintaining user trust, especially in a world increasingly sceptical of data misuse.

Content curation at Glance is a blend of strategic partnerships and technological prowess. Shah elaborates, “We work with over 500 partners across various domains globally, ensuring a steady stream of fresh and personalised content.” This network of partnerships is vital in keeping the content on Glance relevant and engaging, ensuring maximum user delight every step of the way. User feedback is another key ingredient in Glance’s recipe for success. Shah acknowledges, “User feedback is integral to our platform development.” This feedback loop allows Glance to constantly evolve, adapting to the ever-changing tastes and preferences of its users.

Standing out in the crowded marketplace of content platforms is no small feat. Shah attributes this success to Glance’s unique approach. “We believe in less is more,” he says. Consumers love Glance because they know Glance will provide them with something that is meaningful, such as learning a new word in a day, learning a new recipe, reading a positive quote before sleeping and keeping updated with the latest news and cricket scores, Shah mentions. By focusing on delivering meaningful content, Glance avoids the trap of overstimulation and content fatigue that plagues many digital platforms today.

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Collaborations have played a significant role in Glance’s trajectory. Partnerships with giants like Jio Platforms, Google, and Mithril Capital have not only provided financial backing but also strategic guidance. “These collaborations have been instrumental in our product expansion and international growth,” Shah acknowledges.

InMobi-Glance Founders: Centre – Abhay Singhal, Left – Mohit Saxena, Top – Naveen Tewari, Right – Piyush Shah
InMobi-Glance Founders: Centre – Abhay Singhal, Left – Mohit Saxena, Top – Naveen Tewari, Right – Piyush Shah

Looking beyond smartphones, Glance is eyeing expansion into other devices like tablets, smartwatches, and smart TVs. “Consider Glance as the Internet of Surfaces, where we’re essentially creating an operating system for digital surfaces,” Shah says, hinting at the broader vision of the company to integrate its platform across various digital interfaces. Don’t be surprised if you see a Glance-enabled smartwatch in the not-too-distant future.

Imagine all of this built on such a simple and basic human habit – when we merely look at our digital screens. By my understanding, Glance isn’t a social network, neither is it a UGC (user generated content) platform. Glance doesn’t feel like a fleeting trend or an intrusive add-on to the Android ecosystem, for users who want more from their digital experiences. From all indications, it’s a disruptive undertaking by Piyush Shah and his team, trying to reshape the journey of how content is consumed on smartphones and beyond. With a focus on user-centric design, innovative use of technology, and strategic partnerships, Glance has its sights set on transforming the way we interact with our most personal devices. “We’re not just a platform; we’re a new way of experiencing the world,” summarises Shah.

Jayesh Shinde

Jayesh Shinde

Executive Editor at Digit. Technology journalist since Jan 2008, with stints at and Enthusiastic dad, reluctant traveler, weekend gamer, LOTR nerd, pseudo bon vivant. View Full Profile