A look at creating iPhone applications with Flash CS5

A look at creating iPhone applications with Flash CS5

During Adobe MAX this year, Adobe revealed a surprising new feature that was to come with Flash CS5, the ability to target the iPhone. While Apple seems to have declined to work with Adobe to bring the Flash Player to the iPhone OS, Adobe found a way around it.

It is important to note that Flash content will still not work on the iPhone browser as there continues to be no version of Flash Player for the iPhone. However what will be possible come Flash CS5 is the ability to create native iPhone application from the Flash IDE. 
A new tutorial by Lee Brimelow — who is a Platform Evangelist for Flash, Flex, and AIR at Adobe — is now available at gotoandlearn.com which showcases the workflow for creating iPhone application in Flash CS5, and demonstrated a simple application which uses uses the iPhone’s Accelerometer sensor data to move around a circle on the screen. 

A further post by him also answers some of the lingering questions people might have about the iPhone functionality in Flash CS5. For those itching to play with this col new feature, look out for  a beta of Adobe Flash CS5 due out later this year.
NOTE: There is a very obvious flaw in the code for the application, however it does not impact the functioning of the application, nor the purpose of the video.


Kshitij Sobti