How to cancel your Disney+ Hotstar subscription

How to cancel your Disney+ Hotstar subscription

Does your new year’s resolution center on better time management, increased productivity, or saving money?

Revisiting the different OTT platforms you subscribe to can help you with the same.

If you’re planning to cancel your Disney+ Hotstar subscription, keep reading to know how you can do so.

With the new year coming, you’re probably working on a list of goals for 2023. One of the most common goals picked each year is to manage time in a more efficient manner, so that people can improve the time they have left over for other activities. A great way to make sure you’re managing your time in a better way is by cancelling OTT subscriptions that you don’t use too often. If you’re wondering how to cancel your Disney+ Hotstar subscription, all you need to do is keep reading. 

How to cancel Disney+ Hotstar subscription? 

Cancel Disney+ Hotstar, Disney+

Cancelling the Disney+ Hotstar is fairly simple. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps:

1. Open the Disney+ Hotstar website using your laptop or any other device

2. Log in using your credentials

3. Head to the accounts page

4. Click on the Cancel Membership option

You account will be cancelled

Why should you cancel your Disney+ Hotstar subscription?

Disney+ Hotstar,

There are many different reasons why people may want to cancel their Disney+ Hotstar as the new year starts. Some of these include:

– Saving money: While the Disney+ Hotstar is not the most expensive OTT platform available in India (we’re looking at you, Netflix), it does represent a financial drain and if one of your goals for the upcoming year is to save money, then cancelling your Disney+ Hotstar account may help you work toward that goal.

– Saving time: Cancelling your Disney+ Hotstar membership can give you more control over your day, especially if you are someone who spends a lot of time binge-watching content.

Kajoli Anand Puri

Kajoli Anand Puri

Kajoli is a tech-enthusiast with a soft-spot for smart kitchen and home appliances. She loves exploring gadgets and gizmos that are designed to make life simpler, but also secretly fears a world run by AI. Oh wait, we’re already there. View Full Profile