The Apology

The Apology Movie (2022)

Horror | Suspense and Thriller | Latest English Movies

English | 1 hr 31 min | Release Date Dec 15, 2022

5.4 Digit Binge Rating

The Apology : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

About The Apology

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Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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The Apology All Songs List

01. C Come True

Sean Whittaker

3: 06
02. W Weird

Sean Whittaker

3: 00
03. B Best Off Where I Am

Sean Whittaker

4: 02
04. L Last Song

Sean Whittaker

5: 03
05. O Open Up

Sean Whittaker

3: 13
06. I Infinity

Sean Whittaker

5: 00
07. T The Dreamer

Sean Whittaker

3: 28
08. T The Apology


3: 59
09. N Nuthin I'd Rather Do


3: 51
10. T To the Bank


4: 02
11. W We Get Around


3: 50
12. T The Clocks

Urthboy, Mark Pearl

6: 03
13. I I Forgot to Say


4: 18
14. O Over Before It Began

Urthboy, Mia Dyson

3: 52
15. T The Wrong One

Urthboy, Ozi Batla|the Tongue

4: 53
16. B Black Dog


3: 39
17. H Hold Court

Urthboy, Radical Son

3: 51
18. M Modern Day Folk


4: 42
19. M Megaphone Stallone


4: 56
20. N No Other

Urthboy, Mark Pearl

4: 33
21. E Ei Chhele

Mousumi Bhowmik

3: 59
22. T Tumi To Achhoi

Prashmita Paul

4: 41
23. C Cold Read

Josh Hanson

2: 56
24. B Between Here and Home

Josh Hanson

2: 30
25. 4 4f

Josh Hanson

2: 58
26. F Featherbed Lane

Josh Hanson

2: 30
27. B Bobby on the Beat

Josh Hanson

2: 57
28. G Gemini 13

Josh Hanson

3: 01
29. H Hemlock And / Or Queen Anne's Lace

Josh Hanson

3: 21
30. T The Talking Cure

Josh Hanson

3: 11
31. L Like a Lamb

Josh Hanson

4: 28
32. A A Little House in the Snow

Uèle Lamore

2: 24
33. J Just One Drink

Uèle Lamore

2: 45
34. H Hot Tea

Uèle Lamore

1: 07
35. F For My Own Protection

Uèle Lamore

1: 07
36. T The Big Bad Wolf Will Catch You

Uèle Lamore

1: 40
37. P Phone Calls

Uèle Lamore

1: 20
38. Y Your Daughter's Best Friend

Uèle Lamore

1: 36
39. G Gunshots in the Snow

Uèle Lamore

2: 35
40. I I'm Sorry

Uèle Lamore

4: 32
41. L Loose Knots

Uèle Lamore

10: 25
42. S Sally's Song

Uèle Lamore

2: 39

The Apology Trailer

The Apology play

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