Title | Out |
Release status | Released (OTT Release) |
Release date | Nov 19, 2020 |
Language | English |
Genre | Comedy, Crime, Romance, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Animation |
Actors | Bernadette Sullivan, Kyle McDaniel, Caleb Cabrera, Samira Saraya, Gil Frank, Matthew Martin, Christopher Breitinger, Steven Brogan, Lauren Henning, Michelle Mustard, Melinda Harlow, Michael Mullally, Daniel Fernandez, Schuyler Myvette, Doug Mears, Davis Rohrer, Rob Simmons, Osamah Behbehani, Paul Sloss, Archer Bradshaw, Pauline McLynn, Janet Little, Carl Nuzum |
Director | Steven Clay Hunter, Alon Sahar, Monica Scanlan, Michael Blanchard, Osamah Behbehani, Ben Hull, Zac Goold |
Digit binge rating | 6.3 |
Streaming on | Hotstar |
Duration | 27 min |
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