
Macbeth Movie (2014)

Dance and Music

| 2 hr 49 min | Release Date Oct 10, 2014

7.4 Digit Binge Rating

Macbeth : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

About Macbeth

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Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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Macbeth All Songs List

01. M Macbeth: Prelude

Giuseppe Verdi, Erich Leinsdorf

3: 22
02. M Macbeth: Act I: Che faceste? Dite su!

Giuseppe Verdi, Erich Leinsdorf, Metropolitan Opera Chorus

3: 45
03. M Macbeth: Act I: Giorno non vidi mai sì fiero e bello!

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Jerome Hines, Erich Leinsdorf

4: 03
04. M Macbeth: Act I: Due vaticini compiuti or sono

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Jerome Hines, Erich Leinsdorf

3: 25
05. M Macbeth: Act I: S' allontanarono!

Giuseppe Verdi, Erich Leinsdorf

2: 12
06. M Macbeth: Act I: Nel dì della vittoria io le incontrai...

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonie Rysanek, Erich Leinsdorf

2: 12
07. M Macbeth: Act I: Vieni! t'affretta!

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonie Rysanek, Erich Leinsdorf

2: 37
08. M Macbeth: Act I: Al cader della sera il Re qui giunge ... Or tutti sorgete

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonie Rysanek, Harold Sternberg, Erich Leinsdorf

3: 12
09. M Macbeth: Act I: Oh donna mia!

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Leonie Rysanek, Erich Leinsdorf

3: 52
10. M Macbeth: Act I: Sappia la sposa mia

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Leonie Rysanek, Erich Leinsdorf

4: 42
11. M Macbeth: Act I: Fatal mia donna!

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Leonie Rysanek, Erich Leinsdorf

5: 31
12. M Macbeth: Act I: Di destarlo per tempo il re m'impose

Giuseppe Verdi, Carlo Bergonzi, Jerome Hines, Leonie Rysanek, Carlotta Ordassy, William Olvis, Leonard Warren, Erich Leinsdorf

2: 41
13. M Macbeth: Act I: Schiudi, inferno, la bocca ed inghiotti

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonie Rysanek, Carlotta Ordassy, Carlo Bergonzi, William Olvis, Jerome Hines, Erich Leinsdorf

5: 03
14. M Macbeth: Act II: Perchè mi sfuggi

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonie Rysanek, Leonard Warren, Erich Leinsdorf

2: 48
15. M Macbeth: Act II: La luce langue

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonie Rysanek, Erich Leinsdorf

3: 51
16. M Macbeth: Act II: Chi v'impose unirvi a noi?

Giuseppe Verdi, Erich Leinsdorf, Metropolitan Opera Chorus

3: 02
17. M Macbeth: Act II: Studia il passo, o mio figlio! ... Come dal ciel precipita

Giuseppe Verdi, Jerome Hines, Erich Leinsdorf

4: 46
18. M Macbeth: Act II: Salve, o Re!

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Leonie Rysanek, Carlotta Ordassy, Carlo Bergonzi, Erich Leinsdorf

1: 48
19. M Macbeth: Act II: Si colmi il calice di vibo eletto

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonie Rysanek, Carlotta Ordassy, Carlo Bergonzi, Leonard Warren, Osie Hawkins, Erich Leinsdorf

3: 49
20. M Macbeth: Act II: Voi siete demente!

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonie Rysanek, Leonard Warren, Carlotta Ordassy, Carlo Bergonzi, Erich Leinsdorf

3: 13
21. M Macbeth: Act II: Sangue a me quell'ombra chiede

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Carlotta Ordassy, Carlo Bergonzi, Leonie Rysanek, Erich Leinsdorf

5: 17
22. M Macbeth: Act III: Tre volte miagola la gatta in fregola

Giuseppe Verdi, Erich Leinsdorf, Metropolitan Opera Chorus

4: 00
23. M Macbeth: Act III: Che fate voi, misteriose donne?

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Calvin Marsh, Emilia Cundari, Mildred Allen, Erich Leinsdorf

6: 03
24. M Macbeth: Act III: Qual concento! Parlate!

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Erich Leinsdorf

5: 13
25. M Macbeth: Act III: Ove son io?

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Leonie Rysanek, Erich Leinsdorf

3: 28
26. M Macbeth: Act IV: Patria oppressa!

Giuseppe Verdi, Erich Leinsdorf, Metropolitan Opera Chorus

4: 46
27. M Macbeth: Act IV: O figli, o figli miei! ... Ah, la paterna mano

Giuseppe Verdi, Carlo Bergonzi, Erich Leinsdorf

4: 18
28. M Macbeth: Act IV: Dove siam? Che bosco è quello?

Giuseppe Verdi, William Olvis, Carlo Bergonzi, Erich Leinsdorf

2: 55
29. M Macbeth: Act IV: Vegliammo invan due notti

Giuseppe Verdi, Carlotta Ordassy, Gerhard Pechner, Erich Leinsdorf

4: 52
30. M Macbeth: Act IV: Una macchia è qui tuttora

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonie Rysanek, Gerhard Pechner, Carlotta Ordassy, Erich Leinsdorf

7: 45
31. M Macbeth: Act IV: Perfidi! All' anglo contro me v'unite

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Erich Leinsdorf

1: 43
32. M Macbeth: Act IV: Pietà, rispetto, amore

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Erich Leinsdorf

4: 03
33. M Macbeth: Act IV: Ella è morta!

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Carlotta Ordassy, Carlo Bergonzi, Erich Leinsdorf

2: 45
34. M Macbeth: Act IV: Mal per me che m'affidai

Giuseppe Verdi, Leonard Warren, Erich Leinsdorf

2: 16
35. M Macbeth: Act IV: Vittoria! vittoria!

Giuseppe Verdi, William Olvis, Carlo Bergonzi, Erich Leinsdorf

3: 29
36. R RKO Pictures

Daniel Pemberton

1: 29
37. R Reading Scripts, Drunk

Daniel Pemberton

2: 29
38. I It Needs To Be Fixed

Daniel Pemberton

1: 44
39. S Save My Marriage

Daniel Pemberton

0: 0
40. F Female Perspective

Daniel Pemberton

1: 48
41. A A Priest, A Minister And A Rabbi

Daniel Pemberton

1: 26
42. F Finding The Handkerchief

Daniel Pemberton

1: 51
43. A Articulate

Daniel Pemberton

0: 0
44. B Biggest Asset

Daniel Pemberton

1: 56
45. T Television Offer

Daniel Pemberton

0: 0
46. T The Evening Editions

Daniel Pemberton

4: 53
47. I I Care About You

Daniel Pemberton

2: 56
48. T The Star, Lucille Ball

Daniel Pemberton

2: 38
49. R Roll Sound, Action

Daniel Pemberton

2: 19
50. T The End Of A Dream

Daniel Pemberton

5: 06

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