East Side Story

East Side Story Movie (2005)

Comedy | Romance | Drama |

English | 1 hr 28 min | Release Date Dec 31, 2005

6.5 Digit Binge Rating

East Side Story : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

About East Side Story

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Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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East Side Story All Songs List

01. P Prologue

Fahir Atakoğlu

2: 46
02. N Night in Cholera-Kolerada Gece

Fahir Atakoğlu

3: 00
03. M Mamaker Butlacos-If

Fahir Atakoğlu

1: 27
04. T The Pimp and Tina-Pezo ve Tina

Fahir Atakoğlu

2: 41
05. T The Fight-Kavga

Fahir Atakoğlu

2: 47
06. D Day in Cholera-Gunduz Kolera

Fahir Atakoğlu

2: 20
07. T Trapped-Pusu

Fahir Atakoğlu

4: 34
08. F Funeral-Cenaze

Fahir Atakoğlu

5: 13
09. R Reco's Escape-Reco'nun Kacisi

Fahir Atakoğlu

2: 45
10. L Look Sweetheart-Bak Canikom

Fahir Atakoğlu

2: 29
11. T The Bust-Baskin

Fahir Atakoğlu

3: 51
12. F Father The Poet and Glii-Sair Baba ve Gili

Fahir Atakoğlu

2: 49
13. B Both sides of the sea-Denizin iki yakasi

Fahir Atakoğlu

2: 31
14. T The Big Fight-Buyuk Kavga

Fahir Atakoğlu

3: 28
15. I I do love you- Seni Seviyorum

Fahir Atakoğlu

2: 32
16. T The Clack of Takunya \ Murder-Takunyanin tikirtisii.\cinayet

Fahir Atakoğlu

5: 44
17. I Imine goes Insane-Imine cildirir

Fahir Atakoğlu

3: 13
18. T The End-Son

Fahir Atakoğlu

4: 58
19. P Pakistan

Omicron X

2: 00
20. I India

Omicron X

2: 56
21. T Turkey

Omicron X

1: 50
22. S Saudi Arabia

Omicron X

2: 00
23. I Israel

Omicron X

1: 58
24. P Palestine

Omicron X

2: 05
25. C Cuba

Omicron X

1: 51
26. V Venezuela

Omicron X

2: 40
27. B Brazil

Omicron X

2: 27
28. W World's Worst Translator

Michael Giacchino

3: 35
29. R Riddles, Riddles Everywhere

Michael Giacchino

1: 54
30. M Meow and You and Everyone We Know

Michael Giacchino

5: 19
31. F For All Your Pennyworth

Michael Giacchino

2: 38
32. A Are You a Kenzie or a Can't-zie?

Michael Giacchino

5: 45
33. A An Im-purr-fect Murder

Michael Giacchino

3: 49
34. T The Great Pumpkin Pie

Michael Giacchino

2: 22
35. H Hoarding School

Michael Giacchino

4: 55
36. A A Flood of Terrors

Michael Giacchino

4: 30
37. A A Bat in the Rafters, Pt. 1

Michael Giacchino

4: 34
38. A A Bat in the Rafters, Pt. 2

Michael Giacchino

6: 42
39. T The Bat's True Calling

Michael Giacchino

3: 05
40. A All's Well That Ends Farewell

Michael Giacchino

2: 41
41. T The Batman

Michael Giacchino

6: 48
42. C Catwoman

Michael Giacchino

3: 04
43. T The Riddler

Michael Giacchino

5: 01
44. S Sonata in Darkness

Michael Giacchino

12: 11

East Side Story Trailer

East Side Story play

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