Intel brings drones, bat-mounted sensors and VR experiences to ICC Champions Trophy

Updated on 30-May-2017

Intel’s Falcon 8 drone will be used to offer data for pitch analysis, while the bat sensor will generate data for each stroke that is played

At the ICC Champions Trophy, Intel unveiled its new innovations that it will be bringing to the cricket tournament. This included pitch analysis by drone and bat swing profiling via a sensor powered by an Intel Curie module. Further, the company will also be bringing a VR experience to fans in the stadium. These technologies will be showcased at the ICC Champions Trophy which will start from June 1.

“We couldn’t be more excited to have Intel as our Official Innovation Partner of the ICC Champions Trophy 2017,” said David Richardson, CEO of the ICC. “The innovations Intel is bringing to the game promise to transform how cricket is experienced and enjoyed around the world, and we look forward to partnering with Intel in this effort.”  

For advanced pitch analysis, the Intel Falcon 8 drone will be equipped with HD and infrared cameras. The drone will be able to offer visual data on pitch conditions, such as grass cover, grass health, and topology. The company hopes that the images captured by the drone will help generate daily pitch reports, which could be used by commentators during broadcasts. 

The bat sensor developed by Intel using the Curie module and be mounted to any cricket bat. This will generate data on parameters like back-lift, bat speed and follow-through for each stroke that is played. The company notes that several batsmen will use these sensors during the games and hopes that will enable new insights on stroke play. This technology is planned to be introduced to consumers later this year. 

Intel will also be bringing VR experience zones at The Oval and Edgbaston stadiums in order to allow fans to experience facing a virtual bowler. Fans will be able to use a head mounted display to test their batting skills against a virtual bowler. Fans will also be able to see data from their swing such as bat speed and back-lift angle, and get a simulated score from the session.


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