IIT Delhi’s super computer is one of the top 200 supercomputers

Updated on 17-Dec-2015

The supercomputer is 166th fastest supercomputer in the world and is the fourth fastest supercomputer in India

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi’s super computer is the 166th fastest supercomputer in the list of the top 500 computers in the world. The list consists of the 500 most powerful and commercially available computer systems and the list was unveiled at SC15 held in Austin, Texas. SC15 is the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. The computer is powered by NVIDIA’s GPU Tesla platform and is the largest High Performance Computing (HPC) system across all IITs and is available to developers, end-users, and researchers. NVIDIA says that IIT Delhi’s super computer is India’s newest entry in the global list and is the fourth fastest computer in the country. The company worked with IIT Delhi’s team for almost two years to make sure that the initiative was a success.

Dr. Subodh Kumar, Associate Head Computer Services Center, IIT Delhi said, “We are happy to have commissioned the largest GPU-centric HPC cluster in the nation and among the top few in the world. The system is under active use by a variety of researchers. We are sure the capability multiplication that the system provides will enable them to reach the next level in their research and help solve challenging problems in Atmospheric Science, Molecular Systems, Biology, Nano-systems, and many other areas.”

IIT is no stranger to having some of the fastest computers in India. IIT Kanpur’s supercomputer was ranked as the fifth best in India and 130th in the world’s top 500 supercomputers list published in November 2013. India plans to have the world’s fastest supercomputer by 2017

Shrey Pacheco

Writer, gamer, and hater of public transport.

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