WhatsApp has banned over 2 million accounts from the platform during the month of October

Updated on 02-Dec-2021

Over 2 million users were banned from WhatsApp

This purge took place in the month of October

WhatsApp has also asked users to send complaints and grievances to grievance_officer_wa@support.whatsapp.com

As the worlds most popular messaging service, WhatsApp also has one of the largest user bases on any app. With a wide and diverse userbase also comes unwanted messages, spam and the sort. So, to that end, WhatsApp has banned over 2 million accounts from the platform during the month of October. In fact, as we reported earlier, WhatsApp banned close to 2.2 million users in September. These users were banned for violating the chatting app’s security rules. With WhatsApp broadening its offerings into the payments industry, the brand has to weed out sketchy users to ensure the safety of everyone else using the platform. 

WhatsApp has banned 2 million users in October

That means that the platform has banned over 4 million accounts in two months. Maybe that’s not how the metrics are measured but in terms of numbers, it does seem like the service has banned a gigantic number of users. In the latest transparency report from the company, we can see that WhatsApp has taken strict action against a number of users on the platform. WhatsApp has its own system to weed out abusive and harmful content.

WhatsApp has also asked users to send complaints and grievances to grievance_officer_wa@support.whatsapp.com. Whatsapp has recently been in the news for releasing many updates designed to enhance user privacy and overall convenience. It makes perfect sense for the platform to remove so many users (and to continue doing so) for the sake of growing its business globally. 

Also Read: You’ll soon be able to react to WhatsApp messages

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