AMD India’s Vinay Sinha talks Ryzen 4000 series and its impact on the Indian market

Updated on 09-Jul-2020

7nm is the trump card for AMD

AMD is betting big on the Ryzen 4000 series

OEMs are responding well to Ryzen 4000 series

With the buzz around AMDs Ryzen 4000 series processors being at its peak, we got talking with Mr. Vinay Sinha, Managing Director – Sales, for AMD India on how it changes the game for AMD, and more importantly, for the consumers.

1) What does 7nm do for AMD in terms of perception in the eyes of consumers and OEMs 

AMD: Consumers today want enhanced performance levels, sleeker design, better battery life and responsiveness all in a single portable, thin & light mobile computing device. And we are delivering all of these with the AMD Ryzen 4000 mobile processors. It is the world’s first 7nm x86 mobile processor, and with up to 8 cores and 16 threads for more demanding performance. The 7nm technology along with our Zen2 architecture is a breakthrough innovation in the mobile PC space, and together they pack high performance in ultra-thin form-factors with great user experience and increased power efficiency.  The notebooks will be available across mainstream ultra-thin, gaming and creator laptops with our Ryzen 4000 U-series and H-series respectively. We are catering to the demands of users in partnership with our OEMs and partners across varying price points.  

2) Given that the Ryzen 4000 series is primarily about node shift to 7nm and all the efficiencies that come with it, what can we expect from mobile platforms based on Zen 3 (new architecture)/? When can we expect laptops based on Zen 3 (Ryzen 5000)? 

AMD: We cannot comment on future products.

3) Where is AMD on its 25×20 goal? 

AMD: We just made an announcement that we moonshot and exceeded the 25×20 goal set in 2014 to improve the energy efficiency of our mobile processors 25 times by 2020.  The AMD Ryzen™ 7 4800H is 31.7x more energy-efficient and delivers 5x improvement in performance, higher than AMD’s 2014 notebook processor. We believe that greater energy efficiency leads to significant user benefits like improved battery life, better performance, lower energy costs and reduced carbon footprint. At AMD, we will continue to strive more towards energy efficiency in our pursuit of bringing a positive impact on our people, environment, and the industry. 

"At AMD, we will continue to strive more towards energy efficiency in our pursuit of bringing a positive impact on our people, environment, and the industry." 

4) From the Indian market context, what has been the response from Indian customers and OEMs? How many Ryzen 4000 based laptops are expected to launch in India for the year 2020? 

AMD: With the Ryzen 4000 mobile-powered notebooks, we are strengthening our existing collaborations with our partners through an exciting and robust line-up of premium mobile solutions. They have been built by our OEMs, taking advantage of the best of our technologies and architecture. We will be continuing to launch the latest line-up of Ryzen powered notebooks with all major OEMs focusing towards gaming, mainstream and ultra-thin categories. The initial consumer momentum has been great so far, as India is a market that seeks the best value for the price with uncompromised performance, style, and user experience. AMD has mobile processors for everyone, from everyday computing to managing advanced workloads, content creation, gaming and everything in between.

5) What does the future look like for the Mobile PC segment, when seen through the eyes of AMD? 

AMD: Mobile PC is the device for multi-computing needs – work, learning, communication, gaming, streaming and entertainment. The criticality is changing as notebooks have moved from an opulent to a “good to own” device, to now becoming an essential investment. As remote working and learning become the norm, we are looking at multi-PCs per home. Consumers are recognizing the need for dependable and powerful machines for their families and themselves. Consumers are aspiring for mobile PCs that are super-thin and long-lasting with great battery life to stay connected constantly. This holds a tremendous growth opportunity for the mobile PC segment and OEMs are driving on this momentum and will address the market demands across price segments.

Soham Raninga

Soham Raninga is the Chief Editor for A proponent of performance > features. Soham's tryst with tech started way back in Dec 1997, when he almost destroyed his computer, trying to make the Quake II demo run at >30FPS

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