How to schedule posts on Whatsapp

Updated on 31-Dec-2022

Whatsapp does not allow users to schedule posts using the native app

Users can download plenty of third-party apps to schedule their posts

These apps can be found on the Google PlayStore as well as the App Store

Most social media apps now have the ability to allow users to schedule their posts, leaving them free to handle other work once the task is done. Instagram recently rolled out a feature that lets it schedule posts, and other apps like Youtube and Facebook also offer the same. Whatsapp, on the other hand, does not have the ability yet. Fortunately, there are a few third-party apps that can help you manage and plan your posts on Whatsapp. 

Schedule posts on Whatsapp using third-party apps

There are plenty of third-party apps available that let you schedule posts on Whatsapp. Some of these apps include SKEDit, Do It Later, and WhatsApp Scheduler. These apps let you schedule video messages, photos, and text messages. You can even use these irrespective of whether you have Whatsapp for Business, or if you just want to send wishes on someone’s birthday. 

How to schedule posts on Whatsapp using SKEDit?

To schedule posts using Whatsapp, you can:

1. Search for SKEDit on the Google Play Store or App Store

2. Download the app 

3. Enter your email and password

4. Click 'Create account'.

5. Verify your email ID

6. Navigate to the Add services page

7. Select Whatsapp

8. Grant the necessary permissions to the app

9. Select the desired content

10. Add message details, such as the message itself, time, and schedule

You can use these apps to send links to content pieces on specific days, wish people on festivals, or send work-related messages to colleagues when the next day starts.

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Kajoli Anand Puri

Kajoli is a tech-enthusiast with a soft-spot for smart kitchen and home appliances. She loves exploring gadgets and gizmos that are designed to make life simpler, but also secretly fears a world run by AI. Oh wait, we’re already there.

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