Noise Luna Ring is now AI-powered: Adds AI health tracking features & more

Updated on 23-May-2024

Noise has added AI powers to its Luna Ring.

Users can now track their fitness more accurately and will also receive personalised suggestions.

Luna AI is the AI assistant on this ring.

All the major tech brands, around the world, are now stepping into the world of AI. Many brands are updating their products to work around the current demand and are adding AI to them so that they are not left behind. Noise, which is an Indian smart wearable brand, has also added AI powers to its Luna Ring. This upgrade makes the Noise Luna Ring more advanced and adds a lot more features. Let’s find out.

The update makes the Luna Ring a personalised health companion that they wear on their ring. Users can now track their fitness more accurately and will also receive personalised suggestions. Let’s take a look at all the features we will get, thanks to AI.

Also read: Noise Luna Ring – Over the moon or just white noise?

Noise Luna Ring AI-powered features

Noise has added a couple of AI features to the ring that make it more advanced.

Firstly, Luna AI is the AI assistant on this ring. Just like you talk to Siri and Alexa, you can talk to Luna AI to get answers to your questions. You can ask it for personalised fitness recommendations, how your vitals are looking like today, and a lot more. In addition to this, Luna AI is also your personal coach and nutritionist that you can carry everywhere. It will give you personalised training routines and nutrition recommendations.

It will assess your fitness goals, needs, and biomarkers to give you advice. And you can get a better insight about your body’s signals and rhythms overall, what they mean, etc. It will give you answers about your body’s behaviour. For this, the ring will use advanced algorithms to analyse over 70 bio-markers.

Also read: Samsung Galaxy Ring shown at MWC 2024: It’s lighter than Boat, Noise smart rings

When will these features roll out?

It is currently available in Beta version and will roll out in a few days. So, stay tuned for more exciting news on the same.

Mustafa Khan

Mustafa is new on the block and is a tech geek who is currently working with Digit as a News Writer. He tests the new gadgets that come on board and writes for the news desk. He has found his way with words and you can count on him when in need of tech advice. No judgement. He is based out of Delhi, he’s your person for good photos, good food recommendations, and to know about anything GenZ.

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