Samsung’s foldable Galaxy X smartphone could be unveiled next month

Updated on 04-Jun-2020

Samsung could announce its foldable Galaxy X smartphone during its Developer Conference on November 7 - 8.

Samsung has been working on its foldable smartphone for some time now and it just might be ready for a debut. The company is hosting its Samsung’s Developer Conference on November 7 – 8 and might unveil its rumoured Galaxy X foldable smartphone at the event. This comes from one of the company’s tweets that showcases a video promoting the upcoming event. The video showcases a line that folds out into a shape resembling a foldable device. Additionally, DJ Koh, CEO of Samsung's Mobile Division had previously confirmed that Samsung will be launching its foldable phone by the end of this year and this could be when the company finally unveils it. However, you might want to take this information with a pinch of salt as nothing is confirmed yet.

“When we deliver a foldable phone, it has to be really meaningful to our customer. If the user experience is not up to my standard, I don't want to deliver those kind of products. The foldable phone will not be a ‘gimmick product’ that will ‘disappear after six to nine months after it's delivered,” Koh told CNET in an interview at the sidelines of the Samsung Galaxy A9 (First Impressions) launch in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As per the report, Samsung’s foldable phone will not be restricted to specific regions but will be made available globally. An earlier report suggests that the phone could be named the ‘’Galaxy X’ and could be priced at $1,850.

Alongside Samsung, Apple and Huawei are also racing to get their own foldable phones to the market. Both the companies reportedly have dedicated teams working on the respective projects and Apple could launch a foldable iPhone in 2020 that could potentially double up as a tablet. Huawei, on the other hand, has already filed a patent for a foldable phone at WIPO (World Intellectual property Organization) and is said to launch its foldable phone by the end of this year. LG has also confirmed that it is working on a foldable smartphone. The company says that it’s working on a device that the buyers actually want and is not in a rat race to first launch the smartphone.

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