How Indian doctors used Apple Vision Pro in a Bariatric Surgery

Updated on 22-May-2024

In New Delhi, doctors used the Apple Vision Pro for the first time during a live bariatric surgery.

The patient was suffering from obstructive sleep apnea and high blood pressure.

The Vision Pro helped the doctors by providing them with an immersive and interactive 3D environment.

The Apple Vision Pro has been the talk of the town ever since it was released last year. The internet went gaga over it and rightly so, this was something new and unique. We saw people on social media using it for various purposes. However, in India, it has made its way to an Operation Theatre. Yes! Doctors performed a surgery wearing the Apple Vision Pro. How did it help them and what happened? Let’s find out.

What’s the story?

For the uninitiated, the Apple Vision Pro is an augmented reality (AR) device. In New Delhi, at the Pristyn Care surgical centre on May 17th, doctors used the Vision Pro during a live bariatric surgery. The patient was suffering from obstructive sleep apnea and high blood pressure. He had to undergo a sleeve gastric bypass and a Single Anastomosis Duodenal-Ileal (SADI) procedure. This procedure lasted for 40 minutes and it was conducted under the leadership of Dr. Mohit Bhandari, a leading bariatric surgeon.

Dr. Mohit Bhandari and his team

Also read: Our extended reality truly begins in 2024 with the Apple Vision Pro

How did the Apple Vision Pro help doctors?

The Vision Pro helped the doctors by providing them with an immersive and interactive 3D environment. Further, it helped the doctors in visualising complex anatomical structures with more clarity. This offered more precision, and limited risks and mistakes.

Dr. Bhandari said, “The successful use of Apple Vision Pro in these complex procedures opens up new possibilities in surgical precision and patient outcomes. We are proud to lead the way in integrating advanced AR technology into medical practice.”

This is not the first time Vision Pro was used in a surgery, there are other such examples from around the world. But do you think this can be the future? Do share your thoughts.

Mustafa Khan

Mustafa is new on the block and is a tech geek who is currently working with Digit as a News Writer. He tests the new gadgets that come on board and writes for the news desk. He has found his way with words and you can count on him when in need of tech advice. No judgement. He is based out of Delhi, he’s your person for good photos, good food recommendations, and to know about anything GenZ.

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