Must watch game trailers of the week, Hitman to ME3

Updated on 24-Feb-2012

Here’s our roundup of the awesome trailers of the past week that you won’t want to miss. Batman Arkham City for iOS gets an update, Borderlands 2 gets a release date and our curiosity is put to the test with a glimpse of the story of Hitman Absolution.



Batman: Arkham City Lockdown – Harley Quinn trailer

If you were about to put down your iOS device after finishing Batman Arkham City Lockdown, think again. The game has received an update that adds a new section to the city featuring Harley Quinn. If that wasn’t enough, the update also brings a “timed thug fights” mode to the game. A new Batarang mini-game and new character skins too have been added to the update.

Borderlands 2 – Doomsday trailer

One of the most anticipated games of 2012, Borderlands 2 finally has a release date. In this Doomsday trailer, we get a glimpse of the playable characters, weapons, new game modes and a sneak peak at the lead antagonist. Get ready to rule the wasteland on September 18th 2012.

Hitman: Absolution – Diana Burnwood ICA File trailer

If you were awed by the 12-minute gameplay demo shown off by the developer IO interactive, then get ready to be blown away again. This is the first video in “The International Contract Agency Files” series, which introduces the main cast in  Hitman: Absolution. Featuring exclusive art from comic artist Ben Oliver, the ICA Files provide an in-depth background check on the leading characters in Hitman: Absolution. The first file focuses on Diana Burnwood, long-time handler of lead protagonist, Agent 47. 

Mass Effect 3 -Take Earth Back Cinematic Trailer‬‬

To call Mass Effect 3 one of the most anticipated games of 2012 would be an understatement. But gamers need not wait longer to dawn the role of Commander Shepard as the game launches on March 6th 2012. This time round, Commander Shepard’s mission is to save planet Earth from an unstoppable alien threat known as the Reapers. See the battle unfold in this epic cinematic trailer. 

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier – Believe in Ghosts #1

In this in-depth trailer, you get a glimpse of what it will be like to be a soldier in the virtual world holding the latest and greatest high tech equipment. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier puts players in the heat of battle where they will use stealth, augmented reality and some really awesome guns to take down the enemy. 

MotorStorm RC – Announcement Trailer

MotorStorm is back and it’s smaller than ever. This isn’t a bad thing as the only that’s become small are the cars you drive. Rather than a post apocalyptic world or a dense forest, you will now take on remote controlled cars racing through four unique environments. MotorStorm RC is one of the launch titles for the PS Vita that can also be played on a PS3.

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Sameer Mitha

Sameer Mitha lives for gaming and technology is his muse. When he isn’t busy playing with gadgets or video games he delves into the world of fantasy novels.

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