Rumour suggests Qualcomm Snapdragon 830 may have 8GB RAM support

Updated on 02-Dec-2015

Qualcomm’s next gen SoC, the Snapdragon 830, may support 8GB of RAM, an is expected to based on 10nm manufacturing process

Qualcomm is still prepping up its Snapdragon 820 to be the flagship SoC in upcoming flagship smartphones but rumours have already started of the next generation chip from the company — the Qualcomm Snapdragon 830. Various sources have speculated that the next generation Snapdragon SoC will be able to compete with desktop class processors. However, the biggest update could be the rumoured support of upto 8GB of RAM.

To give you a perspective of how 8GB of RAM in a smartphone is a big deal, most multipurpose laptops use 8GB of RAM. If Qualcomm is developing a certain chip with support for 8GB of RAM, it will be able provide massive multitasking abilities. Microsoft has already been able to make use of the current hardware and turn it into a working desktop computer with the help of a dedicated dock. While the use of this setup and its applications is quite limited, it is still a beginning. The Snapdragon 820, which is yet to make an official appearance in a smartphone, already offers dual-channel memory support for 1866MHz LPDDR4 RAM. Thus, it is likely that the Snapdragon 830 will follow suit, and offer dual channel support.

Chinese analyst Pan Jiutang is quite certain that the next generation Snapdragon 830 will have the model number "MSM8998". Apart from this, it is expected that the new chip will be made on the 10nm production process, instead of the 14nm one currently in use. It is to be noted that Samsung has already announced that they will be starting their 10nm manufacturing lines by end-2016, which perfectly coincides with the rumoured launch of the Snapdragon 830.

Qualcomm had been using an ARM Cortex core-based setup in its previous SoC, but recently developed the Kryo CPU cores for the Snapdragon 820, and its performance will decide how Qualcomm proceeds. While we have seen leaked benchmark scores to presume that the SoC will be a good performer, how well will it do for real? Let's wait and see.

Hardik Singh

Light at the top, this odd looking creature lives under the heavy medication of video games.

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