Videocon d2h adds 6 new authentic HD channels; now serves 19 total

Updated on 18-May-2012

Videocon has announced that it is adding 6 new authentic High Definition channels on its Direct To Home platform, d2h. These channels are what Videocon refers to as ‘Asli HD’ channels, to clarify up front that they are not upscaled, but original HD channels.

The new channels are – History TV HD, M Tunes HD, CNBC Prime HD, UTV Stars HD, Active 3D and Sony HD. Incidentally, Sony HD will be launched on 27th May 2012, and will rival the likes of Star Plus HD, Colours HD and Zee TV HD.

Before this addition, Videocon d2h had 13 Asli HD channels on the platform, and the count now goes up to 19 – the most offered by any DTH operator in the country. The total number of channels and services available on the platform now clocks 368.

Mr. Saurabh Dhoot – Director Videocon said “It feels highly ecstatic to be offering the highest number of Asli “HD” channels in the sector. Videocon d2h believes in presenting viewers the finest quality and transforming their television viewing experience and we are backing that with our product offering. The Asli “HD” channels offering across various genres right from entertainment, sports, infotainment, movies, business will take the entertainment quotient of a viewer to the next level”.

All the Asli High Definition channels on Videocon d2h have a 1080i resolution with 16:9 wide aspect ratio.

It will be interesting to see the response of Airtel Digital TV and Dishtv – will they respond by bringing more real HD channels on their platform. At the moment, only Dishtv is offering “upscaled” HD channels, while Airtel has refused to offer anything less than authentic HD channels to the consumers. Tata Sky is apparently facing transponder space issues, and probably will have to wait before responding to the competition.

Vishal Mathur

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